Channel: Tugfax
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kALIUTIk sneaks in under the radar

I was startled to see the small tug kALIUTIk with its scow (believed to be kALIGAk) at pier 36 this afternoon. The pair arrived unbeknownst to me, and since they did not require a pilot, there was no advance notice of its arrival.

The tug was built in 1998 at Nanticoke, ON (where it is still registered) and fitted out in Port Dover, ON, by Dovercraft Marine. Measuring only 82.79 grt, it is rated at 550 bhp, with twin screws. Owners Labrador Unuit Development Corp of Happpy Valley-Goose Bay (and its subsidiary Torngait Ujaganniavingit Corporation of Nain) had the tug and two scows, Kaligak and Sappatak built to service a stone quarry at Ten Mile Bay, near Nain. They were to transport stone from the quarry 40 miles to Iggiak where it was to be loaded onto anchored ships for export to Europe. The quarry contains various decorative feldspars such as  labradorite (also known as firestone) and anorthosite (called "Blue Eyes") used for sculptures decorative architectural stonework.
The quarry operation was closed in 2009 and since then the tug has had periods of idleness and has worked around Nova Scotia at various times. It has also been advertised for sale for several years.

 The last time I saw the tug was in 2012 while exiting the Canso Lock......
heading for Port Hawksbury..........

where it picked up the barge kALIGAk.


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