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Mega Motti update

It appears from the excellent Redwise site that Groupe Océan's newly acquired tug/barge combo Mega/Motti has sailed from Bermdua.
Thanks to Google translate, I hacve this rough translation from the Captain's log:

Go or notgo.....

Ifyou lieto wait for aperiod of"beautiful"again,playscontinuedthe question: dowe ordo wenot now.Tomakethat choice, youobviouslyneeda weather report,that theentireperiod of thesailingroutespans.
Previouslyyoupreviouslylistenedto theweather reportsonthe radioand watchedmainly ontheprospects.Witha notebookand apencilwashastily"co-written" with thereader oftheweather.Oftenresultedin anillegiblescrawl, anda discussionwiththe helmsmanin thetrend:"I thinkitsnapsbackquitenicelyon".

Today theweatherandtheprospectsnicelyvia emailsentto the shipand printed.That discussionwiththehelmsmancanthereforebe omitted.That savesa lot of time!
Wealso of coursehavethe Internet,wherea range ofsites to seeareallweather forecastsshow.Think of it as"radar"but forthe sea.
And that,dear reader,then divesagainthe old problem of"go"or"nogo" on.Forhow many sitesyouvisit,there arealwaysdifferences.Sogetbacktodiscussion withtheofficer, "butanother siteshows that......."

Go or notgo........... butwehavenowgone!


So it would seem that after several weeks of waiting for better weather, they are on their way!

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