The last two days in Halifax have seen the extremes of towing operations - big and little.
First the big tow:
BOA Barge 34 carrying the topsides structure from the decommissioned Deep Panuke gas field, departed this morning, December 12.
The tug Atlantic Kestrel took the lead and was later joined by Atlantic Kingfisher. Assistance getting away from the dock was provided by Atlantic Hemlock and Atlantic Larch (the latter also accompanied the tow) with Atlantic Elm going on ahead to Sheet Harbour.
Atlantic Kestrel has been standing y at Pier 9C, except for a refueling move, waiting for this project.
Atlantic Kingfisher is a UT-722L type tug / supplier, built by Halifax Shipyard in 2002.
Then the little tow:
The McNally Construction tug Mister Joe sailed yesterday, December 11, bound for Port Hawksbury, NS towing an unidentified dump scow.