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Heading South

The tug Boa Odin sailed from Halifax on October 8, towing the Boa Barge 33 loaded with one section of the former Novadock floating drydock.The destination is Tampa, FL.

As morning fog burns off on October 7, Boa Odin stands by the stern of the Boa Barge 33.

The tow will be within range of shoreside AIS stations for the entire trip, so will be easy to follow on Marinetraffic.com other AIS sites.

Also trackable is the supplier Maersk Chignecto, southbound giving Tampico, MX as its destination. That port is well out of the normal operating area of the St.John's based Maersk operations.

 Arriving in Halifax in 2014, rigged with seabed survey gear, Maersk Chignecto was also in Halifax in February 2015  fitted with for cable work.

 The last of the Husky Bow Valley suppliers in the Maersk Canada fleet, it dates from 1983. Although still shown as registered in Canada, and owned by Maersk, is this its last trip?


Keewatin at pier 27

The Northern Transportation Co Ltd tug Keewatin arrived in Halifax October 8 towing the barge NT 1509 and tied up at pier 27. The tug has been an off an on visitor to Halifax  since 2002 when Northern Transporation began to ramp up an eastern operation, to supplement its western arctic and Mackenzie River business.

Keewatin at pier 27 today.
Yarrows built the Keewatin in Esquimalt, BC in 1974. The triple screw 3375 bhp shallow draft tug sailed via the Panama Canal, with four 1800 series barges and wintered on the St.Lawrence, then loaded in Valleyfield, QC in the summer of 1975 for Churchill. MB. It then began to service five western Hudson Bay communities and Coral Harbour under government contract. Northern Transportation Co Ltd was then a crown corporation, but was privatized in 1985 and is now part of the aboriginal owned NorTerra Inc.

The company, and the tug, have suffered many ups and downs over the years due to shifts in the business climate and management changes. In 2002, the tug was sent south and arrived in Halifax for the first time on November 9. After a refit in Shelburne it went to work for Atlantic Towing Ltd. In 2003 it worked on the Great Lakes with a gravel barge, then with a brine barge.

In 2004 it returned to Halifax and towed barges for Atlantic Towing Ltd.

In 2010 the tug was to work the supply run to Hudson Bay again, but was laid up in Newfoundland due to hull deficiencies. These have since been repaired and the tug was again in Halifax in July 2013.

The tug was much more photographable in 2013 when it towed the barge NT 1524 through the Narrows to Fairview Cove.

Keewatin departed St.John's August 7, 2015 towing the fleet mate supply/tug Alex Gordon to an unknown destination (likely to Mount Carmel, NL for layup, but this has not been confirmed).
( Northern Transportation's other supply/tug Jim Kilabuk was in Halifax earlier this year on its way back to the west coast, eventually making its way to the Beaufort Sea. Both suppliers have worked off and on in the western arctic over the years.) 


Gas and Oil problems

Looking at Pier 9C one would be excused for thinking that all those suppliers mean a lot of activity in the oil and gas sector.

The Shell Oil offshore drilling program, expected to start up in September, is still not underway due to permit delays. Three suppliers are idle in Halifax waiting for the drill ship Stena IceMAX to arrive from the Gulf of Mexico.

 Farthest from the camera Jones Tide, then Skandi Flora are awaiting Shell's start up. Scotian Sea in the foreground is awaiting its next assignment. At right Atlantic Condor sails for Deep Panuke.
The third Shell supplier, Breaux Tide, is tied up at the Mobil dock in Dartmouth, so the suppliers that usually use that dock are now using Pier 9C.

Jones Tide doing trials on October 3.

All is not well off Sable Island where the two gas projects are winding down well before the end of their expected life spans.

Sable Offshore Energy Project (Exxon Mobil, Shell Canada, Imperial Oil, Mosbacher and Pengrwouth) is talking of decommissioning to start in 2017. It will be a major project to dismantle the well and production platform, and lead partner Exxon is considering Point Tupper as the base for that work.
First gas was in 1999 with an expected life of 25 years, but production has been diminishing for several years.

Meanwhile at nearby Deep Panuke, production has been off and on recently due to large quantities of water. Its first gas was in 2013 and instead of 13 years of production, the field may only have two years left. Operator Encana is now said to be considering selling the project (but who would buy it with that prognosis?)

Supply boats will still be needed for several years no matter what happens to the gas fields, but it seems unlikely that there will be actual development in oil fields beyond exploration drilling unless the price of oil goes up again.


Big Lift, Small Tugs

The project to replace the roadway of the Angus L. Macdonald bridge in Halifax harbour got underway in earnest today as the first old deck section was removed. The year long project to replace the deck in 46  sections in over night operations will allow the bridge to remain open during the days when traffic is at its heaviest. The work is expected to take a year and a half.

Named "The Big Lift" the project has its own website:  https://www.hdbc.ca/about-the-project/

Years in the planning this "mega-project" involves a couple of barges rented from Location Océan, part of Quebec's Groupe Océan. See Shipfax post from July.

RMI Marine is handling the tug work with three vessels.
Belle D, which is registered to Atlantic Towing Ltd, was built in 1967 as Boatman 4 by Fercraft Marine Inc of Cote Ste-Catherine, QC for Montreal Boatmen. It was rebuilt in 1989. Irving's Steel and Engine Products Ltd of Liverpool, NS, acquired and renamed it Stenpro IV in about 1997. It was transferred to Atlantic Towing Ltd and renamed Belle. D for use in Belledune, NB. By 2010 it appeared in Halifax and has been operated by RMI ever since. It is a twin screw tug of 450 bhp.

Captain Jim was built by Guimond's Boats Ltd of Baie Ste-Anne, NB in 1989 as Atlantic Walnut. Its glass fibre hull follows the lines of a typical Northumberland Strait fishing boat, but was initially used as a pilot boat in Saint John, NB by Atlantic Towing Ltd. It was renamed about 2000 and operates for RMI as a workboat, diving tender, crew boat and light tug.

 Halifax Tugger  is an unofficial name for RMI's latest addition. Since it is under 15 grt it is licensed under small craft regulations with a number only, and no official name. It was built by the GFFM Leclerc company on L'Ile-aux-Coudres, QC for their fleet of rental tugs. Most of their dozen or so similar boats are used by northern supply companies such as Desgagnés but have also been used on various marine construction projects. The tugs are truckable so turn up in odd places.

When I saw Cercle Poliare in June at Leclerc's yard it was painted and ready to go back in the water.

When RMI rented  purchased the tug and gave it the new name of Halifax Tugger, they inexplicably painted out its registration number. A little detective work on my part leads me to believe it was built as Cercle Polaire in 2011 (also an unofficial name).  If so it is a twin screw tug of  600 bhp.

As each old bridge deck section is lowered from the bridge, it is landed on a barge where it will be secured and moved to a scrapping facility where it will be cut up. Meanwhile the deck section, transported on another specially fitted barge from the fabricators, Cherubini Metals Works, in Eastern Passage, is moved into position and lifted up in to place.

 Belle D alongside the rental barges, with the first new roadway section.


And they're off

Almost like the beginning of a horse race or perhaps the old time LeMans start for a car race, a small fleet of suppliers began to leave over the weekend for the start of Shell's drilling program in the Shelburne Basin.

Shell Oil (with non-operating partners Conco Phillips 30% and Suncor 20%) acquired licenses for six areas and may drill seven exploratory wells over the next four years. The area, about 250 km south of Halifax, just off the edge of the continental shelf, is off the Southwest Scotian Shelf.

The drill ship Stena IceMAX has arrived from the Gulf of Mexico and will be positioning itself to drill in 1500 to 3500 meters of water. If the first two wells look good Shell will continue drilling, However it is do or die, for if those two are unpromising the program will end.

Shell has contracted for four suppliers to support the operation.

Secunda's Scotian Sea sailed on Sunday, and will be the standby vessel which will remain on scene most of the time. It can also carry supplies, and is fitted with large rescue boat.

Breaux Tide sailed also and it is one of two suppliers chartered by Atlantic Towing from Tidewater. Sister Jones Tide is still in Halifax but ready to sail when needed.

DOF Subsea Canada is using Skandi Flora which has also sailed.

All the suppliers are working under the Canadain flag, with Canadain crews.

Unfortunately the drilling site is outside of the AIS range, so it will not be possible to monitor activity as we can with the gas fields in the Sable Island area.


Halifax Tugger update

I have now received conformation on the ancestry of the small tug Halifax Tugger. It was indeed previously known as Cercle Polaire, built in 2011 and carrying registration number C19246QC. Craft enrolled in  Canada's Small Vessel Registry have no official number, only a number. These are generally vessels of under 15 grt.

Halifax Tugger working on the BigLift project in Halifax.

Cercle Polaire moored in the tidal marina at Ile-aux-Coudres last year.

According to the Transport Canada web site its numerical registration has been suspended, which would explain why the number was painted out on the tug's bow. Every vessel must have some form of registration, so it would seem that new owners RMI Marine intend to re-register it by name, which is permitted for vessels of all sizes. It also applies to vessels that are subject to mortgages or financing.

The tug's aluminum wheelhouse top is demountable, allowing it to be transported by road.

Built by the GFFM Leclerc shipyard in Ile-aux-Coudres as their hull number 7, it was first registered in 2011. The tug was part of the Leclerc rental fleet and was used in marine construction and arctic supply work. It is a twin screw boat, powered by two Cat engines. Horsepower is inconsistently reported as 300 bhp or 520 bhp. It measures 33.6' x 10' x 2.6' permitting it to work in very shallow water.

The Leclerc company has built several new and more powerful triple screw tugs recently, so this one seems to have become surplus to their needs.


Headed south

Activities in Canada's north are winding down for the year, which means that several tugs are returning to the south.

Svitzer Canada's two tugs Svitzer Nerthus and Svitzer Njal were reported arriving in Mulgrave October 23 and cleared this morning bound for Bermuda. Since July they had been working at Milne Inlet on the north side of Baffin Island assisting Fednav ships to load iron ore.

As Irving Elm, the tyug is hauled on the slip at the now deunct Stenpro shipyard in Liverpool, NS.
Atlantic Towing Ltd's Atlantic Elm and Atlantic Beech were reported off Nova Scotia October 24, heading for Saint John. They had been working in Rankin Inlet all summer, assisting Desgagnés ships as they delivered cargo to lighterage barges.

Atlantic Beech doing some shiphandling work with an autocarrier in Halifax in 2005.


Boa Odin - back again

The tug Boa Odin returned to Halifax with the barge Boa Barge 33. On its first visit a month ago, it loaded the first section of the Novadock floating drydock and towed it out to Tampa, FL.

Tomorrow the tug, with assistance from harbour tugs, will load the second and larger section of the Novadock for the same destination. Meanwhile Boa Odin moved to pier 25 to take on fuel, delivered by truck.


Tides Coming In

With the Shell drilling program well underway off Nova Scotia, the suppliers are making a steady progression in and out of port. On Saturday November 7 Jones Tide arrived and on Sunday November 8 Breaux Tide arrived.They are operated by Atlantic Towing Ltd on charter from Tidewater.

Ostensibly sister ships, there are difference in appearance and fittings between the two, built about a year apart.

Breaux Tide had to wait for Jones Tide to leave the oil dock before going in for fuel, but instead of anchoring it "set itself up on DP". It was a very windy day, and there anchorage areas were occupied, but the ship used is Dynamic Positioning and remained beautifully steady in position for a few hours until it was time to move.


kALIUTIk sneaks in under the radar

I was startled to see the small tug kALIUTIk with its scow (believed to be kALIGAk) at pier 36 this afternoon. The pair arrived unbeknownst to me, and since they did not require a pilot, there was no advance notice of its arrival.

The tug was built in 1998 at Nanticoke, ON (where it is still registered) and fitted out in Port Dover, ON, by Dovercraft Marine. Measuring only 82.79 grt, it is rated at 550 bhp, with twin screws. Owners Labrador Unuit Development Corp of Happpy Valley-Goose Bay (and its subsidiary Torngait Ujaganniavingit Corporation of Nain) had the tug and two scows, Kaligak and Sappatak built to service a stone quarry at Ten Mile Bay, near Nain. They were to transport stone from the quarry 40 miles to Iggiak where it was to be loaded onto anchored ships for export to Europe. The quarry contains various decorative feldspars such as  labradorite (also known as firestone) and anorthosite (called "Blue Eyes") used for sculptures decorative architectural stonework.
The quarry operation was closed in 2009 and since then the tug has had periods of idleness and has worked around Nova Scotia at various times. It has also been advertised for sale for several years.

 The last time I saw the tug was in 2012 while exiting the Canso Lock......
heading for Port Hawksbury..........

where it picked up the barge kALIGAk.


Maersk Cutter

Maersk Supply Service Canada Ltd's newest vessel arrived in Halifax this morning for the first time. Delivered by Asenav in Santiago, Chile August 5, the ship arrived in St.John's on its delivery trip September 8: see Shipshots.blogspot

 A crane is set up to load gear aboard Maersk Cutter. That is Skandi Flora astern at pier 9C.

It berthed at pier 9A in Halifax, the new home of International Telecom (their former quarters at pier 9 have been annexed by Halifax Shipyard). It appears then that the ship will be doing some cable work just as its former fleet mate Maersk Chignecto used to do. See Tugfax 2015-02

That latter supplier the ex Chignecto Bay sailed from St.John's September 8 or 9 and headed to Tampico, MX.  Its Canadian flag registry was closed October 9 and it was reflagged to Mexico with owners listed as Armamex Naviera SA de CV. No new name has been posted yet.

The Maersk Clipper is the second of and order of two sister, Maersk Clipper is the other, built in Chile (a Canadian free trade partner) and measures 6,490 grt, and about 4,000 dwt. Its engines produce 13,000 bhp and its design bollard pull is 180 tonnes. It is fitted with all the DP and FF bells and whistles.
The ship was not built to fulfill any particular Maersk contracts, so is apparently available on a spot basis.

The downturn in oil work has resulted in more than 30 suppliers from one company alone "stacked" in the Gulf of Mexico and about 100 in North Sea ports. Maersk is laying off employees world wide (and not just in its offshore operations) so it iS good to see suppliers working.




Maersk Cutter got underway this afternoon on a cable work mission. International Telecom chartered the ship from Maersk, but the cable work will be in Placentia Bay, NL for Eastlink, a cable TV, internet and cell phone service provider.

A pair of slides mounted over the stern roller were fitted for cable work. Not visible on deck due to the high gunwales is a container with the side cut out to store cable, and other gear for fibreoptic splicing. I am told that there is a complement of 47 persons aboard for the project.

Who's minding the store?
I had to wonder today who was looking after the drill ship Stena Icemax out in the Shelburne Basin, since all the suppliers that normally tend to it were in Halifax. Several days of bad weather - mostly high winds - may be the answer to why the boats were all in Halifax.

 Skandi Flora got away from pier C, swapping places with....

Breaux Tide, which joined sister Jones Tide at pier 9C.

Also at pier 9C Atlantic Tern did some trials in Bedford Basin then returned to the pier.

Moving from pier 36 to pier 9 was Kaliutik and its barge Kaligak.

The barge is now loaded with two large steel fabrications for the McInnis cement project in Port Daniel, QC. The castings are independently supported on the deck of the barge with steel pedestals, but a highway trailer is run under them to allow for drive off when it reaches its destination.

The barge's name is spelled out as kaLIgak. Note the two wheel ramps secured to the deck in the foreground. They are still packed with sand from the last beach landing.

I imagine they are also waiting out the weather for a few days before embarking on the trip.
Interestingly the Kaliutik's AIS signal states that its next port of call is Cornwall, ON. Perhaps not surprising since it s now working under the agency of McKeil Marine.


Beverly M 1

The McKeil tug Beverly M1 tied up at the Svitzer Canada dock December 7. I missed the arrival, but
there is a great shot on Halifax Shipping News.

The former Eastern Canada Towing [ECTUG] and before that Foundation Maritime dock has been very quiet since Svitzer assigned its tugs to Point Tupper, with only the occasional visitor, so it was good to see a tug there again.

Back in 1958 Foundation Maritime ran harbour tugs, a salvage fleet, ocean tugs and had a marine construction and repair yard. Although barely recognizable today, the main wharf and the secondary wharf with the old salvage shed still stands in the midst of a rejuvenated Halifax waterfront.

Beverly M 1 was built by Imamura Zosen , Kure, Japan in 1993 for Hong Kong Salvage + Towage as Shek O, and that name is still visible on the wheelhouse. The McKeil crew has modified the letters HK to McK [not visible in this photo] and kept "Salvage + Towage" . Even though the company's official name is Evans McKeil Workboats, it is commonly known as McKeil Marine.From its main base in Hamilton, ON it also has operations in Quebec, Newfoundland and has now established a base in Sydney, NS.

Following completion in 1992 the 4,000 bhp tug worked in Hong Kong, but in 2004 was transferred to sister company Swire Pacific Offshore and was renamed Hunter for two years, before reverting to Shek O. In 2008 it was became Swire Pacific's Pacific Typhoon. A very capable tug, it is fitted for ocean towing and has a massive towing winch. It is a ASD tug, with Niigata stern drives, and is also equipped to work over the bow for ship berthing.

When McKeil acquired the tug in 2013 it was for work in Newfoundland, but it has been in and out of Halifax several times.


Breaux Tide working, not so Jones Tide

Support vessels for Shell's offshore drilling program come and go on a regular basis - that is until recently. Today Breaux Tide was backing in to pier 9B where Skandi Flora had been tied up, however sister supplier, Jones Tide has been sitting idle.

I hear that Jones Tide (owned by Tidewater, and bareboat chartered to Atlantic Towing) is off charter due to some unfortunate problems with its Dynamic Positioning System. DP is  used to hold a ship in position using sophisticated satellite navigation instrumentation, tied to the ship's propulsion controls. Something went wrong with Jones Tide's DP however and it "contacted" the drill ship Stena Icemax on two occasions. The nature of the contact is not known to me, and there is no visible evidence of it on Jones Tide- Even so it is not supposed to happen at all.

No doubt repairs are underway, but there will have to be a trials period before it can resume it charter, to ensure that there is no repetition. So far there has been no sign of a replacement vessel.


Merry Christmas

Nostalgia time: Christmas Season 1979

Halifax was a busy port for tugs over the Christmas season of 1979.

As previously reported here and in a recent Shipfax post, the French tug Abeille 30 was in port from December 21 to January 1, 1980. It was towing the broken down Algerian ship Biban from Montreal to Europe, but the ship needed drydocking in Halifax.

Abeille 30 revs up as she tows out Biban on New Year's Day 1980. 
Harbour tugs Point Vigour, Point Viking and Point Vim all assisted in getting the tow on the move.

Local tugs were being kept busy too, with Point Valiant assisting the three harbour tugs Point Vim, Point Vigour and Point Viking with docking the big bulk carrier Oremar.  I believe the ship was suffering some hull cracks and was escorted in to Halifax by Point Valiant.

Built in 1963 as Foundation Valiant, the tug was sold by Eastern Canada Towing to Three Rivers Boatmen in 1995 and renamed André H. Groupe Océan took over TRB and still operates the tug today.

There was quite a collection of tugs and suppliers at the Dartmouth Marine Slip. Front and centre was Tusker - a former Australian tug, acquired by McAsphalt Industries to tow its asphalt barge. It had yet to enter refit.
Pre-refit Tusker still wears the funnel marking "OSS".

Former Salvators on the left and former Shores on the right.

Also alongside were two Norwegian tugs, Odin Salvator and Orla Salavator. Both had recently been renamed, dropping the "Salavator" suffix, although the former became Odin II..

Two Canadian built suppliers, Scotian Shore and Breton Shore were in the process of reconfiguring as seismic survey vessels. Breton Shore had been renamed Edward O. Vettter, and Scotian Shore was to become Fred J. Agnich.

Two Fednav suppliers, Cathy B and Federal 6 also arrived for layover.

Glenkeen at the Irving  Oil dock, with the retired wooden tug Margaret Porter in the background.

The Glenkeen arrived from Montreal en route to the Caribbean. Built in 1945 at Kingston, ON it was one of 17 steel, and three wooden tugs of the Glen class built built for the Royal Canadian Navy. This one was of the A Type, with long deck house. Type Bs had a shorter house and no captain's cabin behind the wheelhouse. 
It operated for the National Harbours Board in Montreal until 1979 then sold to a Halifax company for work between Costa Rica and Columbia. That deal fell through and it sat in Halifax for a year until finally sailing in December 1980 ostensibly to work in Guadeloupe.

Another wartime build, Beaver Lily was laid up over Christmas at Alderney Landing in Dartmouth. Built in 1942 by Levingston Shipbuilding in Orange, TX for the United States Nay, it served in St.John's, NL as  ST 27. JPPorter acquired the tug post-war, and renamed it Catalina. It served them until Beaver Marine took it over in 1978. It also made its way to Guadeloupe, but in 1992 and returned to Canada in 1997 before heading south to US owners.

Another former JPPorter tug, JPP No. 11 was working in Sceptre Dredging colours at the former French Cable wharf in Dartmouth. The tug, built in 1958 in Montreal, had been acquired by Harbour Development Ltd, and was renamed HD No. 11 early in 1980. Sceptre took over many Porter assets in 1978, but soon sold off when it didn't find much work.

JPP No.11 moves the Cranemaster, with Biban in the background at Halifax Shipyard.

Eastern Canada Towing's Point Carroll, pitched in to help with harbour berthing work. Not well suited, since it steering nozzle was fairly slow acting, it was only used when all other tugs were busy.

Point Carroll sailed on Dec 22, and escorted Biban in on December 24, also assisting in its docking at the Shipyard. 
During 2015 the tug has been laid up in Hamilton, ON. Under McKeil Marine ownership since 2001 as Tony MacKay, the tug has seen better days since it was built in 1973.

Atlantic Towing Ltd had its big tug Irving Birch in Halifax toward year's end, tying up at the old Irving Oil wharf in Halifax. Built in 1967, it was a great tug, performing many salvage tows, but also handled barge tows. It became Atlantic Birch in 1999, and was scheduled for the scrap list last year, but as of June 2015 it was still intact at the Indiantown dock in Saint John.

 Atlantic Birch, Atlantic Pine, Atlantic Elm and Swellmaster at Atlantic Towing's Indiantown facility in Saint John last summer.

There is no use complaining about the current state of tugs in Halifax, but by comparison my January 1, 1980 count of ships in port included 21 tugs, suppliers and workboats. Eastern Canada Towing alone accounted for six tugs.


Siem Hanne

The Norwegian platform supply vessel Siem Hanne artrived at pier 9C this afternoon.

Built in 2007 to the Aker VS 470 Mk II design, the vessel is DP2 equipped and with a gross tonnage of 2615, it has a deadweight tonnage of 3750 tonnes. The basic ship was built by Aker's Tulcea shipyard in Romania. It was then towed to Norway where it was completed at the Aukra yard.
This ship is registered in Aalesund, the northern Norway community that has long time ties to Halifax  through fisheries. Despite this, the ship is apparently managed out of Siem's Polish office.

It displays the blunt stern of a pure supplier (without towing or anchor handling capability). It also has a well deck to protect workers and cargo.

Siem Offshore 's current fleet includes more than 50 ships with 8 more under construction, not including Secunda Canada LP in which Siem has a 50% interest.

Siem Hanne is here to begin a four year bareboat charter to Secunda. It will presumably have to be registered in Canada for that work, and will likely require some modifications to comply with Canadian regulations. It may even acquire a traditional Secunda name.

Navy tug plan - again

The Royal Canadian Navy has been looking at the idea of replacing its current fleet of tugs for several years. They are taking a long time to decide what to do, likely exacerbated by the recent federal election. With a new party in power there will be much going back over already plowed ground, and very likely the political masters will decide to plow new furrows perpendicular to the previous ones.

 Glenevis (rear) built in 1976, Merrickville (middle) built in 1974 and Firebird (fore) built in 1978.

The navy currently operates five harbor tugs (3 in Halifax, 2 in Esquimalt) of the Glen class built in the 1970s. Underpowered by current standards at 1750 bhp, and a 19 tonne bollard pull, they are however highly agile with V-S propulsion systems and short sea towing capability. The also have some fire fighting gear, but it is not up to the standard of a fire tug.
The navy also had.two fireboats, but they retired the Halifax boat Firebird in 2014. Both were purpose built and carried a crew of trained firefighters. Those firefighters now augment the tug crews if needed in an emergency.
The navy also has five smaller tugs of the Ville class that operate within the naval dockyards and handle barges, oil booms, and assist in ship docking. There has been no mention of replacing them, but they are even older.
It should be noted that all these tugs are operated by civilian crews, working under the jurisdiction of the Queen's Harbour Master.

Both classes of tugs and the fireboats were built for navy use and responded to the specific needs of the navy and the physical features of the naval dockyards. The two most obvious of those are the relatively light displacement of navy ships and the very tight confines between the jetties. This is where the current class V-S tugs show their worth, by fitting into the tight spaces without having to square up, and where high horsepower is not really needed.

When large naval ships from other navies come to Halifax they use civilian pilots and commercial tugs. This is a necessity since the civilian harbor pilots from the Atlantic Pilotage Authority work with the commercial tugs daily and have established communication protocols and know the capabilities of the tugs.

The exception of course is visiting nuclear submarines, which are handled exclusively by navy tugs, but with civilian pilots.

Canadian navy ships use navy berthing pilots and their own tugs and have entirely different commands and are familiar with the tugs' capabilities. The navy pilots are berthing pilots only and board the navy ships from the tugs or from launch boats, and do not do navigation even in the harbour..

The navy will be acquiring larger ships in the coming years (but it is still many years before the current frigates are replaced with cruisers, and new supply ships arrive). More horsepower may be warranted by then, and certainly the current stable of tugs will be well past old age at that time.

 The navy does call in more powerful tugs from time to time, such as for the cold move of HMCS Preserver. When it banged into the Novadock in 2011, causing half a million dollars of damage to itself, it could could have used more powerful tugs.

However the navy is also looking at privatizing the delivery of tug services to its naval bases, by inviting in private operators to take over tug work.

A 4,000 bhp civilian 50 tonne bollard pull tug, such as Atlantic Larch, at left, is quite standard in Canadian ports these days. 
With 1750 bhp and 19 tonnes bollard pull Glenbrook is inadequate for most work.

It seems to me that the main issue then must be minimizing employment costs by reducing crew size. Wages and benefits are considerably lower in private industry and thus attractive to cost planners. Enhanced firefighter training and the handling of nuclear submarines however might reduce that cost gap. However most current tugs are designed for a harbour crew of three, so any new tug would be able to operate with a smaller crew - naval or civilian.

Newer tugs would certainly be nice, as would more power, but a leap to 4,000 to 5,000 bhp seems to be an unnecessary initial cost, since that kind of power is rarely if ever needed by the navy. On the other hand, tugs with less than that amount of power would never be of use to civilian operators in most ports, particularly Halifax, and would be confined to use for the navy only. [But see below for other propulsion options]

Firefighting is also almost standard these days on harbour tugs. Two of the civilian tugs in Halifax have that capability now, which exceeds the capability of anything the navy has.

Atlantic Oak is one of two tugs in Halifax with extensive firefighting equipment. Trained firefighters would be needed to augment the usual crew in case of a serious fire.

Enhanced sea keeping would be desirable since the tugs need to tow small ships to Shelburne, Pictou and should be able to tow to St.John's and St.Lawrence ports for refits. The navy will be getting rid of its smaller ships, but there does seem to be a need to tow larger ships from time to time, so accommodation for larger crews for that duty seems reasonable.Those moves are so rare however that hiring in a tug from time to time would make as much sense in my mind.
(The unfortunate Athabaskan tow cannot be blamed entirely on civilian tugs - whoever decided that towing a dead ship form the Great Lakes to Halifax in winter should bear the majority of the onus for that fiasco.)

Hybrid or alternative fuel power systems would seem to be absolutely essential to meet the government's desire to be a leader in environmental matters. Of course the navy would not like their tug budget to be used up with costly experimental technologies, but there are enough proven systems out there now that premiums could be kept low. It is also time that the navy, and all other government departments lived up to environmental realities.

Hybrid systems allow for economical operation when less than maximum power is needed. Tugs can operate on batteries and auxiliaries for much of the time and only fire up all power when needed to push or pull a ship. The rest of the time, while in standby, or moving from pier to pier, they are on auxiliary backup or battery power.

In previous requests for interest for new tugs the navy seemed to indicate that ASD tugs were the expected propulsion system. I question how well these would work in the confines of the Halifax Dockyard, where V-S tugs are clearly justified. ASD tugs can sidestep but they lose power when doing so.

V-S propulsion can thrust in any direction by changing the pitch of the vertical blades. The tug does not have to change position. The old drawback of constant engine revs, no matter the demand, has been resolved with newer technology.

Conventional stern or bow mounted ASD systems can push or pull with almost equal force, but are much less effective sidestepping due to interference between the two rotating propulsion units.

Several recent new tug designs, such as the EDDY tug would also work, so I hope the navy is open minded enough to consider a variety of options.

The Eddy tug has two in line ASD units - one at the bow and one at the stern. They can push broadside on without interference. The tugs are also bi-directional - ship docking over the stern and going to sea bow first- and they need only one winch.

The call for two winches is also an unneeded expense depending on the tug configuration. Many tug designs now allow for bi-directional operation so that only one winch is required. The same winch is used for ship berthing and ship towing and the tug is designed to operate stern first in one mode and bow first in the other.  In fact the current navy tugs do this with only one winch.
Z-Tech tugs, now in wide use in ports such as Singapore and Houston, work very adequately with one winch, and are bi-directional, Depending on requirements, they can run bow or stern first equally well. Star Opal is running at high speed stern first in the lower picture, but can go to sea bow first (as in the orientation of the model in the upper picture)

Recent material seems to indicate that the navy would accept tugs of up to 5 years old. Sorry to say, but even five year old technology is ancient in the rapidly evolving tug industry. They really ought to be looking at something that will not be obsolete when delivered.

I have some suggestions:

1. Buy a low cost proven design.The Dutch designer/builder Damen is building three tugs for the Dutch navy and two for Sweden's navy with slight variations. Canada should be able to piggy back on these, and in fact could order kits from Damen for assembly in Canada. At least two Canadian  Shipyards have experience in building Damen kits (Halifax Shipyard built the Coast Guard patrol boats and Groupe Océan built a dredge with Damen parts.) These are also hydrid tugs.
See this article describing the tugs: http://www.maritimejournal.com/news101/tugs,-towing-and-salvage/newbuild-tugs-for-dutch-and-swedish-navies

2. Whatever they do, look for latest technology, high efficiency hybrid, dual or alternate fuel systems and defray some of the added cost with R&D funding for the environment. There are leading edge Canadian technologies out there that need to be promoted, both at home and abroad. This would be a great boost for them.
Bernardus  is just one of many hydrid tugs operational today.
3. Go with a performance based private contractor with a ten year change out policy for brand new  tugs, so that only the latest technology is used. The contractor would be given five years to provide brand new tugs (one per year) each to operate for a stated period. At the end of each period the contractor would provide a brand new replacement tug. He could sell or fold into his own fleet the tugs coming off hire from the navy when they are still worth something on the open market.
This program could go on virtually for ever and ensure a continually renewing tug fleet and an allowing it to evolve as technology matures. It could also help to support a tug building shipyard with a steady flow of work.

In conclusion I will sorry to see the old Glen tugs go - they have been a fixture on the harbour for so long, but change they must.

Glenside makes its way across Bedford Basin on a wintery day.


Svitzer Nerthus and Svitzer Njal - home again

A pair of Svitzer tugs have arrived back in Halifax after many months away.

Svitzer Nerthus and Svitzer Njal , acquired by Svitzer Canada last year from their parent company, were contracted to work at the Baffin Island port of Milne Inlet during last year's brief arctic summer shipping season. They assisted bulk carriers into the remote port to load iron ore from the Baffinland Iron mine at Mary River, operated by ArcelorMittal.

After fitting out in Halifax, the tugs headed north in July, to rendez-vous with the first ship of the season, Federal Tiber. At the end of the shipping season in October the two tugs made their way south to Point Tupper for a crew change then carried on to Bermuda, bypassing Halifax.

In Bermuda they assisted the bulk carrier Balder for seven loads of granite fill for the new South Basin. The granite came from Cape Porcupine, on the Strait of Canso, and was unloaded into a 9 acre fill area. Each shipment took up to 36 hours to unload, with frequent repositionings of the ship. In total Balder delivered some 175,000 cubic yards of granite, between November 6 and January 10.
The ship was one of the largest ships to enter Bermuda's Great Sound and required the assistance of two powerful tugs at all times.

Bermuda does have its own local tugs, Powerful and Faithful, but they are fully occupied with normal port activity. The 3,000 bhp tugs are notable as the last tugs built by the well known Cochrane shipbuilders in Selby, England in 1992.

The South Basin area will be the site of a new village to support the 2017 Americas Cup yacht races. See: http://www.royalgazette.com/article/20151106/NEWS25/151109824


Maersk Cutter - finds work

Although Maersk Canada would prefer to have the mammoth tug/supplier Maersk Cutter fully employed, it's ready ability certainly came in handy this week.

When the tanker British Merlin experienced a turbocharger malfunction, Maersk Cutter was called in take it in tow. The 63,661 grt, 114,761 dwt tanker was loaded with crude oil from Whiffen Head, NL for Philadelphia when it encountered the problem, and is now due to arrive in Halifax Sunday morning January 24 on the end of Maersk Cutter's tow wire.

It raises the question again of Canada's need for Emergency Towing Vessels (ETVs). Though comparatively rarely needed on Canada's east coast, there are occasions when a powerful tug is called for. Most similar vessels are employed servicing offshore petroleum work and are not standing by for ETV work. In this case the almost new Maersk Cutter 13,142 bhp has not found regular work since it arrived from the Asenav shipyard in Chile in September 2015, and could be called in when needed.

Secunda Canada's Ryan Leet has been on standby in Sydney "on spec" for towing work. However its 8800 bhp would be barely sufficient for a vessel the size of British Merlin . Similarly sized container ships and bulkers are also active in the region, and with winter upon us, with its attendant ice in the Gulf of St.Lawrence, caualties are bound to arise.

The container ship MSC Monica, although much smaller, ran aground in flowing ice in the upper St.Lawrence River this week and will need to be lightered off before it can be refloated. Local tugs will be more than capable of that operation, but it is a reminder that accidents will happen.

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