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Firebird - cutback

CNAV Firebird, the HMC Dockyard fireboat, has been cut back from 24 hour a day manning to a Monday to Friday daytime operation. Belt tightening in navy operations is cited for the change. In addition to being on standby for emergencies, particularly fires, the boat is also used for security rounds and makes several trips daily from the main HMC Dockyard on the Halifax side of the harbour, to Jetty Lima (the Dockyard Annex gun wharf) on the Dartmouth side of the harbour and to the Defense Research barge anchored in Bedford Basin off Birch Cove. Nighttime and weekend security rounds will now be conducted by navy "pup" tugs of the Ville class or Dockyard small craft.
Firebird returning from a security round this morning.
Built in 1978 Firebird is to be retired when replacement tugs are built for the navy, since it is expected that those tugs will be fitted with firefighting gear similar to civilian tugs. Unlike civilian tugs however, Firebird carries trained firefighters from the HMC Dockyard fire department.

The last active fire the boat fought was on the ship Caruso, the former CCGS Tupper, at the old Dartmouth Marine Slip, October 11, 208.


Water Barge

The Halifax Port Authority provides potable water to ships at a variety of hydrants located on most of its piers. However, when a ship at anchor needs water, it is barged out on vessels such as Dominion Diving's Dominion Boann. Built by Marine Industries Ltd of Sorel, QC in 1956 as one of two 100 ft. self-propelled ammunition lighters for the RCN it was originally named YSF 219. At some point in its career it was converted to a potable water tanker and carried the name YSW 219.
When sold by the navy in the early 1990s it was named YW 219 for a time, then unofficially renamed Water Dog. By this time it no longer had an operational engine.
In 2009 Dominion Diving registered all its surplus naval barges, which had never been registered under government ownership, and gave them distinctive names.

Despite the need for a paint job on the hull, the boat is in very good condition and is usually handled by the small tug Roseway. Today's assignment was to load 100 tons of water for the tanker Maersk Katalin at anchor in Bedford Basin.

Dominion Diving also operates the sister barge Dominion Branwyn which is now a grey/blackwater barge, and was originally YSF 220 (and had several other interim names).


Mersey Pride - new work boat for Halfax

A new to Halifax workboat arrived today in tow from Liverpool, NS. Mersey Pride arrived in tow of Dominion Victory, which was dispatched yesterday to fetch the craft.

Built in 1987 to their own account by Georgetown Shipyard Inc, the boat was originally named G.S.I. No.1. Aluminum hulled, the single screw vessel has a 250 bhp engine and a fire pump.
In 1992 the Bowater Mersey Paper Co acquired the boat, renamed it Mersey Pride and put it to work at their paper mill in Brooklyn, NS across the harbor from Liverpool. It was used to assist ship docking and other chores around the mill and paper export wharf.

In 2012 Resolute Forest Products (the successors to Abitibi-Bowater) and the Washington Post newspaper, owners of the mill, closed the facility and the Province of Nova Scotia acquired the assets, including mill, deep water marine terminal and forest lands and began the process of dismantling the mill.

The workboat/tug, which was never busy at the best of times, was thus idled. I assume ownership of the boat also passed to the Province, although Transport Canada's website shows to change. If the province did acquire the boat, they have now apparently sold it - possibly to Dominion Diving.


Beverly M 1 - night time tow out - updated (again)

McKeil Marine's Beverly M 1 made its first call in Halifax just at dusk this evening. Too bad for picture taking.

The purpose of her visit is to tow out McNally Construction's crane barge Derrick#1 with the tug Jamie L. on deck. They were working all winter at Nova Scotia Power's Tuft's Cove. Last week they moved over to pier 9C to prepare for the trip.

While at pier 9C the barge's spuds were lifted out and secured on one side deck, and then the tug was cradled down on the other side.

Beverly M 1 is one of a pair of sister tugs that McKeil bought a year ago from Swire Offshore of Hong Kong. Both tugs were working in Dubai at the time of purchase. Beverly M 1 was built as Shek O for Hong Kong Salvage and Towage (part of the Swire Group) in 1993. It was renamed Hunter from 2004-2006 and in 2008 became Pacific Typhoon for Swire. It is a twin screw tug with controllable pitch props and a tunnel thruster forward. It's Niigata main engines give 4,000 bhp. It was built by Inamura Zosen of Kure, Japan, and is fitted for anchor handling, fire fighting and towing.

The tug arrived with a good coating of frozen spray on her starboard side, but this did not deter the crew from tying up and getting a gangway ashore. The tow wires were already rigged on the barge, and it did not take long to make them up on the tug, which is fitted with a substantial towing winch.

At time of posting a departure time had not been set. It may be tonight or early tomorrow.

Update: As of 0900 Monday morning the tow was still in port.

Update #2:
Tug and tow finally got away on Monday March 17 after the weather cleared away. They will still have to contend with certain restrictions imposed by Transport Canada Ship Safety. Speed and avoidance of ice are the main factors in determining when they reach St.John's. The derrick will be used to drive piles for a new pier at Irving Oil's terminal.
Tug and tow did have to vacate pier 9 March 12 to allow IT Intrepid to take the berth, but they only got as far as pier 28, and sat there until the weather passed.


Ryan Leet to the rescue

As a kind reader of Shipfax pointed out, it is ironic that when then bulk carrier John I lost power and ran aground off Rose Blanche, NL on March 15, that the tug Ryan Leet was the tug to take the ship in tow for safety.

Ryan Leet was built at the behest of the French government as Abeille Provence in response to  catastrophic tanker losses off the coast of France. The French realized that "tugs of opportunity" would not necessarily be available in times of emergency, and that most salvage tugs of the day would not be powerful enough to assist a large tanker. Abeille Provence (and sister tug Abeille Normandie) justified their existence, but at tax payers expense.

Since then the world has evolved, and tankers got larger. The French government has continued to provide rescue tug service, and in fact is into the third generation of such vessels. Although the British have pretty much bailed out of the rescue tug business, other nations have recognized the absolute necessity to provide such tugs, and Germany and the Netherlands among others are able to cover the Channel and  much of the North Sea coasts.
The irony of course lies in the fact that Abeille Provence and sister were built way back in 1978 and were replaced in 1987 because they had become too small. Secunda Marine Services of Dartmouth, NS, acquired both tugs in  1990, and although they sold Magdelan Sea (the former Abeille Normandie) in 2004, they rebuilt Abeille Provence, renamed it Ryan Leet and have kept it occupied ever since. It has been largely used in recent years with standby work for offshore gas facilities, but it has also been a diving tender and supplier, as well as a towing and salvage tug.

Ryan Leet in its glory in 1994. It was fitted with an FRC,  a workboat (the Copan Runner) and carried a diving support container under davits on its port side.

By chance when John I ran into trouble, Ryan Leet was between contracts and lying in Mulgrave, NS. It was able to respond to the emergency on short notice as a "tug of opportunity". No other tug of comparable power, aside from tug/suppliers, was within 500 miles. Those tug suppliers were all on charter and were not immediately available, if at all.

I have long advocated for rescue tug(s) in eastern Canada, even though they would not be called on very often. The British model was one I recommended, where privately owned tugs were contracted for emergency standby, but could also perform commercial work under strict control.

Of course eastern Canada rescue tugs would need to be ice class. The second tug needed in the John I grounding, Atlantic Fir , required icebreaker escort to reach the grounded ship en route from Halifax.

The arrival in Halifax of the Polar Class 4 icebreaking bulk carrier Nunavik, which will operate year round between Hudson Strait and Europe (see today's Shipfax), also reminds us that there is increased activity in the north, where tugs are virtually non-existent unless they happen to be in the area on commercial work. Surely there is justification for rescue tugs, if only seasonally, in the north.

Our Canadian Coast Guard is neither suited nor equipped to tow except in a dire emergency. The diversion of three badly needed icebreakers from the Gulf to assist John I for pollution control, standby and rescue work is surely an indication that those resources are stretched thin as it is. Properly fitted rescue tugs with pollution gear, would ease that situation.
Ironic, yes and lucky, that Ryan Leet was available this time, but the tug must surely be reaching a milestone at 36 years of age. If it goes what is left?


Gulf Spray - badly damaged

The classic small tug Gulf Spray and a companion workboat have been badly damaged. Both boats were tied up in the lower Burnside / Wright's Cove area of Dartmouth when they were apparently smashed against a barge or dock. Whether this occurred in last night's storm or a previous one, I am unsure, but from the look of the boats it seems to have been some time ago.

I last saw the boats working on February 1 with some company barges at pier 9.
This afternoon the tug Belle D moved Gulf Spray to pier 24 where it will likely be lifted out of the water. It was a sorry sight.
The starboard side of the house was stove in and there was obvious water and ice damage on deck and below.
The outboard-powered work boat (which I believe is called Harbour Diver) was sitting a bit askew on its trailer on pier 9, with damage to the house, rub rails and hull, and water damage within.
Larinda Ltd, the registered owners, and their company Edge Marine and Disposal Services Ltd provide waste removal for cruise ships visiting Halifax harbor. The tugs handle barges that carry solid and liquid wastes. In 2012 Edge was forced to move from its base at LeGrow's wharf, under the foot of the Macdonald bridge in Dartmouth, due to complaints from neighbours about odours. In winter of 2012-2013 Gulf Spray was hauled out on the IEL pier for a refit, but this year she was apparently to remain afloat.
Gulf Spray was built in 1959 by Ferguson Industries in Pictou, NS  to their own account and was used as a yard tug. When acquired by Larinda in 2007, the tug was rebuilt to yacht-like appearance, and has kept busy, in season, with the waste barge business. I have featured the tug several times on this blog before.
This post will be updated when new information becomes available.

Pointes now Oceans

When Groupe Ocean acquired the two Sept Iles based tugs Pointe aux Basques and Pointe Sept-Iles from Switzer last year, it was apparently their intention to re-deploy them after refit. Now that Pointe Sept-Iles has been renamed Ocean Sept-Iles it has now been refitted at Ocean Industries shipyard at Ile-aux-Coudres and was reported downbound on the St.Lawrence in mid-March.

I hear that Ocean Basques, the former Pointe aux Basques, will also be refitted at Ile-aux-Coudres this spring, but as of today it is still laid up idle in Halifax.

Originally ordered by Foundation Maritime, to serve the Iron Ore Company of Canada (IOC) in Sept-Iles, two powerful icebreaking tugs were under construction in Collingwood when Foundation sold out to MIL Tug and then to Smit-Cory.
The boats were delivered in 1972 as Pointe aux Basques and in 1973 as Pointe Marguerite. for the newly formed Eastern Canada Towing Ltd (ECTUG), a joint venture of the Dutch Smit and the English Cory tug companies.

Pointe aux Basques in Halifax in 1987, in Smit-Cory colours. The tug office at the end of the pier was rebuilt after Hurricane Juan in 2003.

Pointe Marguerite in Halifax in 1977.

Identical 4200 bhp twin screw tugs, they proved very capable in winter ice, and were often sent out to assist shipping in trouble in the Gulf, and even made tows all the way to Halifax. They also came here for refits and drydocking at the Dartmouth slips.

Regrettably Pointe Marguerite had only a brief career with Ectug, for on November 14, 1978 while assisting Algobay in Sept-Iles Bay, it was crushed against the large bulker Cielo Bianco  (51,579 grt / 88,785 dwt) and sank, taking two crew members with it. The tug was so badly damaged that no attempt was made to raise it, and its wreckage remains in Sept-Iles Bay.

Ectug immediately ordered a near sister ship from Collingwood, which was delivered in 1980 as Pointe Sept-Iles. There are slight exterior differences, and the interior layout is also different.

Pointe Sept-Iles in Sept-Iles Bay in 2001, wearing the short lived Cory-Wijsmuller colours.

When Smit and Cory parted ways, ECTUG assumed a new funnel mark under Cory ownership,  but retained a similar livery until the short lived merger with Bureau Wijsmuller saw a major repainting. When Svitzer took over the tugs were repainted again and carried that scheme until sold to Groupe Ocean. Although I have not seen her, Ocean Sept-Iles has now been repainted in the distinctive Groupe Ocean colours.

Mersey Pride refit

Dominion Diving has started an out-of-the-water refit of the tug/workboat Mersey Pride. The former Liverpool/ Brooklyn, NS based boat was alongside for a time, but has now been lifted out on the shore.

 The tug's aluminum hull looks quite battered, but  it also appears quite sound for a boat built in 1987. It is also unusual to see a tug with a keel. As previously noted the boat was built by Georgetown Shipyard Inc (now East Isle) in Prince Edward Island as G.S.I. No.1 to its own account. However based on its underwater shape, it seems likely that it was laid down as a fishing boat, but the order was cancelled or defaulted, and the yard finished the boat to their own needs. This may explain why the Department of Transport's List of Shipping has always listed it as a fishing boat.

Mersey Pride also has an unusually high free board for a tug. Seen here in February before it was lifted out, it has another Dminion Diving workboat alongside, which is also a List of Shipping anomaly, Dominion Pursuit. Although it shows Halifax as its port of registry, it has never appeared in that esteemed reference, even under its original name, Louis Bérubé. It was built for the Department of Fisheries, acquired by Dominion Diving in 2004 and renamed in 2007.

Gulf Spray update

As reported the tug Gulf Spray was damaged and moved to pier 24 for repairs. I have since learned that apparently the ship was sheltering from last week's storm at pier 9B when it was blown under the stern of the laid up Cabot It aft bulwark was crushed down piercing the fantail and breaching the deck, allowing water into the below deck areas.
This morning with the Owner's boom truck holding it up, the stern was pumped out.

The tug was also turned so that its stern became visible from the pier, revealing the extent of damage.

It is still to early to tell if the tug can or will be rebuilt.


Gulf Spray - update #2

Today was lift out day for the damaged Gulf Spray.

After a large crane was set up on the brow of pier 24, crews rigged slings under the hull and the crane lifted the tug out, placing it on a specially built cradle.

Once airborne several details came to light. The hull plating is doubled forward, indicating that it was expected to work in ice, also the prop has a large guard around it to protect it from fouling by ropes and debris in the water.

Extent of damage also became clearer once the tug was out of the water. It appears to me that most of the external damage was above the waterline, giving some hope that the tug can be rebuilt. There is also considerable internal damage, which is not obvious from the outside.


Ocean Basques sea trials [update]

Ocean Basques will not be with us in Halifax for very much longer. The former Pointe aux Basques  has been alongside the Svitzer Canada dock all winter, awaiting her turn for refit at Industrie Ocean Shipyard in Ile-aux-Coudres, QC.

The tug sailed this evening for what turned out to be a sea trial, and returned to the dock for adjustments before the long trip back to Quebec. On completion of the refit, she will likely return to her old home port of Sept-Iles, QC to rejoin Ocean Sept-Iles the ex Pointe Sept-Iles  to continue with ship berthing in the ports of Sept-Iles bay.
This will of course leave the Svitzer Canada dock once more bereft of tugs - a real loss the Halifax waterfront where little commercial shipping activity takes place any more.

Update: Ocean Basques sailed early Wednesday April 23, in dense fog.

Docking at Halterm

Given good conditions, one tug is all that is needed (and a good bow thruster) to dock a 41,000 grt ship at the Halterm container terminal in southend Halifax. The same maneuver is carried out several times a week and pilots and tug skippers have it down to a science.

Today there was a little less room to swing the ship due to the outbound car carrier Resolve [see Shipfax] but it went off like clock work.
 The tug Atlantic Willow has taken up it position on the starboard quarter of the ship (not visible) to assist in swinging the ship almost 180 degrees to tie up at the pier.

Pushing the ship around using half to full power.

Directing operations from the bridge wing, the pilot judges when the ship has turned enough and orders to tug to come around to the port quarter.

Backing off just enough to clear the ship, Atlantic Willow guns up to run around the ship's stern.

Making the tight squeeze between the ship (which is making slow sternway)  and pier Willow gets clear.
Only the superb handling characteristics of an ASD tug would permit this quick turn. 

As tug and ship catch up with each other, Willow is concealed from view again, but brings the ship swifly alongside.

Sailing from pier 41, 42 Halterm is usually a much simpler matter, as the ship is headed outbound, and only has to be pulled away from the pier, A stern tug and bow thruster usually do the trick. However in high winds a second bow tug may be called in.

That was the case yesterday as the bar taught bow lines of Zim Panama attest.

The wind was blowing off the pier so strongly that a second tug was needed to hold the ship alongside until the lines were all let go, and then to allow the ship's bow to fall off slowly, so that its stern did not overhang the pier.
Atlantic Larch comes across the harbour to give a hand.

Same forest - different trees

A photo published in Shipfaxon Sunday April 27 showed "a forest" of five Atlantic Towing Ltd tugs tied up at the IEL pier in Dartmouth. Today there was still a forest, but some different trees.

From left to right: Atlantic Oak, Atlantic Teak in behind Atlantic Willow, Atlantic Fir and Atlantic Hemlock across the end of the pier.

Atlantic Fir is filling in for Atlantic Larch which is in Shelburne for refit. Atlantic Hemlock and Atlantic Teak are just visiting.

Down in the lower left hand corner of the photo is Waterworks Construction's workboat/tug Walrus,hauled out for the winter. It is a speedy aluminum hulled twin-screw craft, built as a survey launch.


R.I.P. Farley


Farley Mowat, May 12, 1921-May 6, 2014

Farley Mowat was many things, to many people. For some, his 1958 book Grey Seas Under, a tribute to the tug Foundation Franklin, its crews and managers, was the start of a life-long interest in things tug related. A subsequent book The Serpent's Coil, a tale well told of an arduous tow and salvage by the Foundation Josephine added fuel to tug enthusiasm.
I will leave it to others to summarize the very full 92 years of Farley Mowat's life, but will only say R.I.P. Farley and Thank You.


Tugs for seismic

The tugs Atlantic Fir and Beverly M 1 are tied up at pier 324, nose to nose, readying for BP's 2014 seismic expedition off Nova Scotia. The are is so heavily fenced and secured, that photography poses a bit of a challenger.From my perch I couldn't tell if they are being fitted with any special equipment for their work, except for supplementary satellite communication domes.

BP has hired six actual seismic boats, two suppliers and these two tugs to act as picket boats or chase boats.
They seem an odd choice to me, since neither one would be a natural pick for their sea keeping abilities. They are undoubtedly able towing vessels, but towing does not seem to me to be a necessity in seismic work.


Belle D at work


The small tug Belle D  has become busier with the start of cruise season in Halifax. The tug is used to handle a barge for ship's garbage and waste. The benefit of using a barge, as opposed to trucking the waste away, is that it happens on the 'off' side of the cruise ship and does not interfere with the passengers' comings and goings. All international garbage and waste requires special disposal procedures, including incineration for certain classes of waste.
In the photo  Belle D is south bound for pier 31 to handle waste from the cruise ship Veendam.


Beverly M 1 hangs back

When the nine ship seismic fleet sailed from Halifax last night, the tug Beverly M 1 remained in port. I t moved from pier 24 to pier 25, and as of this afternoon the crew was on deck doing some painting.
Along with Atlantic Fir ii is to be a picket or chase boat for the seismic exploration on the Tangier prospect south of Sable Island.


Halmar - on the go

Although I have featured the tug/workboat Halmar before: http://tugfaxblogspotcom.blogspot.ca/2012/05/big-tug-little-tugs-at-pier-9.html, it never hurts to look again at one of the busier boats in Halifax harbour.
Whether it is assisting in the launch of a new ship at Halifax shipyard - see yesterday's Shipfax - or ferrying pilots, agents and stores out to anchored ships, Halmar sees almost daily use.

This afternoon the boat was bustling along in the Narrows taking a pilot out to the tanker Cenito in Bedford Basin.
Built in 1960 by and for Halifax Shipyards, it was completely rebuilt in 2009 by current owners Dominion Diving. At that time it was repowered with an 8V71 main engine of 318 bhp and given a 12 inch bow thruster.


Dominion Diving Flotilla


The annual Dominion Diving  work in Bedford Basin began this afternoon when the barge DD 2000 was moored in the #10 anchorage area. A small flotilla of DD tug/workboats towed the barge from Dartmouth Cove..

Leading the way is the twin screw tug Roseway , rolling a bit in the wake of a passing powerboat. It's work was completed when the barge was safely moored.

Multi-purpose Dominion Victory, a tug, diving tender, research vessel, assists in powering the flotilla, and will provide accommodations for divers working from the barge.

Veteran tug/workboat Westport Ferry will be the tender during the dive operation.

The barge will be moored in the Basin for 20 days as divers work on maintaining the RCN's sound range.  take the Nova Scotia Community College's deep dive course. The operation will be 24 hours a day, seven days a week.


Tugs on display and tugs at work

As per Shipfax, the tugs Atlantic Willow and Atlantic Oak were at work today berthing ships, but they broke off for a spell early this afternoon to perform a display for a certain royal personage at pier 20.

Atlantic Willow blots out the George's Island lighthouse and radar tower as she spins.

Atlantic Oak pauses momentarily, but was largely invisible for most of the demonstration.

Unlike some firefighting  tugs, Atlantic Willow does not have a dousing system to wet down the tug's superstructure.

Both tugs were doing pinwheels, and with their cannons aimed at various angles, they sprayed large arcs of water, covering themselves and the near shore with a fine mist. At times the tugs were hardly visible.

Left out of the demo was Atlantic Larch which also had real work in the harbour. The tug returned to Halifax last week after a quick refit and hull painting in Shelburne.

Atlantic Larch has no firefighting gear, but does have a towing winch.Here she is returning from Fairview Cove where she berthed Atlantic Cartier.

Atlantic Willow has firefighting gear, but no towing winch. Here she is returning from undocking Barkald and headed for the fire fighting demo.

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